A partial massage that can be added as an accent, a focus within the whole body massage for both sexes of all age groups… In addition to care, movements, and massage grips, the aim is to relieve pressure, and discomfort both physically and psychologically, to achieve complete psycho-physical rest… Special naturally flavored creams, cosmetics, and cold gel are used in the neck area, when it comes to the hairy part of the head – male gender if they do not have more hair – we massage the skin with our fingertips, and for ladies, we do it through a protective cap… After this massage, it is advisable not to shower for at least 6 hours in order for the effect to be complete… To this partial massage, it is desirable to add foot reflexology with lower leg MASSAGE in order to relax the whole body because the whole body massage was omitted in this case! It is very popular with business clients, people for whom facial care is important, and those who for religious, health, or some special reasons can only have these two partial massages… We are waiting for you, greetings from the Excellence Massage Belgrade team!